Saturday, December 22, 2012

Non-traditional Holiday Shoot

And now for something a little different....I've been shooting a lot of holiday/family portraits lately.  Most clients choose one of the gorgeous outdoor settings scattered around the greater Atlanta area.  The client I had on this particular shoot was drawn to the colorful mural backdrop I featured in an earlier blog post (click here to view )

So after viewing the post, the family decided to have their Christmas card shoot in front of this edgy, urban, non-traditional background.  I have to say, I love it when that happens!  I sent my client a photo of the mural ahead of time so she could view all the colors that could be visible in the photos and plan wardrobe accordingly.  I absolutely love how her bright yellow sweater, as well as everybody else's clothing, compliment the colors of the mural.  Their Christmas card will no doubt stand out this year.  And truth be told, I already received one and it did look great!  Here's a tip for you straight from my client - send your holiday cards out online with one of several available services (such as smilebox and you not only skip the cost and time involved with ordering and mailing paper cards, but you can also send all of the photos from your Cindy Jackey Photography session to your friends and family presented as a beautiful slide show.  This client sent out her 16 favorite photos from our shoot in her online holiday card - you can't fit that on a 4X6 card!

So here are some shots from our non-traditional holiday session.  What a fun, playful family.  I love my clients!



1 comment:

  1. You really know how to capture the essence of what a good photo shoot is all about. Ray F.


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